Professional Development Resources

Apprenticeships Support Australia understands the important role Teachers and Careers Advisors play in providing our next generation with the mentoring and coaching required, to ensure students’ progress into rewarding job pathways or further study during life after school.

Through our youth centric careers advice hub, we regularly host live events and webinars for support players in the career advice process, including Careers Advisors and parents.

Through employer research and ongoing work with an array of expert Psychologists, we have developed a rich pool of resources you can tap into for free at Sign up today and start accessing classroom-ready tools and resources, as well as hear from industry experts on the latest insights and practices for teaching career advice in a classroom environment.

Please see below some of our latest webinars for a taste of what available:

"From School to the Workplace."

Presented by workplace Psychologist Danielle Buckley, this webinar discusses the challenges Employers face with Gen Y in the workplace.


"Job Interviews"

Presented by workplace Psychologist Danielle Buckley. Make sure your students nail their Job Interviews with these lesson plans.